Permit Software Overview
- Manage the Permit and Inspection process from Application to Final completion.
- The software can process Building Permits, Rental Inspections, Fire Inspections,
Ordinance Enforcement, Home Inspections, Red Tag / Stop Work orders and more.
- Quickly generate and track relevant documents such as Permits, Inspection Schedules,
Field Correction and Expiration Notices and Certificates of Occupancy.
- Track all related Fees at initial Permit Issue and Extra Fees that occur
throughout a Permit's life.
- Automated Building Valuation and Permit Fee calculators by Jurisdiction.
- Automate Base, Fixture / Equipment, Plan Review, etc., fees by Permit Type / Jurisdiction combinations.
- Automated Inspector Pay tracking and statement issuance with auditing feature.
- End of Month reporting to Jurisdiction clients by email.
Attached Files
- Electronic files from other sources such as photo images, faxes, letters, memos, drawings or blueprints
can be attached to various record levels (Permit, Inspection, Location, etc).
- Files can be labeled and sorted as desired and are archived and viewable from within our software leveraging
Window's Default Programs feature.
- Viewing capability is dependent on the attached file's installed native program with proper file associations
Automated Reporting
- Automated EOM reporting to multiple municipalities.
- Automated email sending of batched EOM reports to Jurisdiction clients.
Central Index Location and Person file system
- Ensures only one record per Location or Person file for accurate history retrieval.
(Person file contains Applicant, Owner and Contractor records.)
- Attach existing Location / Person records to new Permits, or add new ones on the fly.
- Index Record Merge function to combine history if duplicates are generated in error.
Contractor Registration
- Track Contractor Registration and Fees along with Registration expiration dates.
- User alerts when attaching Contractor with expired Registration to new Permits.
- Index Record Merge function to combine history if duplicates are generated in error.
Construction Cost and Fee Calculators
- Create Jurisdiction specific calculators to automate calculations.
- Construction Cost Valuation calculators for Permit Determinate.
- Fee Valuation calculators based on Permit Determinate
- Data Parameter system accepts configurable Calculators unique to Permit Types and / or Municipality combinations
Data Analysis
- Flexible drill-down capability for a complete history of events - instantly available from almost
anywhere within the software.
- History is viewable from multiple vantage points such as Permit, Location, Contractor or Owner.
Field Devices
- Data can be synchronized to remote devices for field use.
- Notebook / tablet / touch screen devices with Windows Operating System
- Issue Red Tag / Stop Work orders from the field.
- Inspection Schedules and History available at inspector's fingertips.
- No double entry - enter Inspection result data while in the field.
- Audit inspection results and charges prior to committing to the main database.
- Efficient scheduling of inspections
- Notice Template System:
- Create custom templates for Field Correction / Inspection Results unique to Inspection Type,
Inspection Action, Municipality and Municipal Code Number combinations.
- Created in advance or on the fly to build a library of retrievable templates while
streamlining creation of initial notice document types during inspection result processing.
- Templates can be configured with a due-date interval so follow up dates can be scheduled automatically.
- Follow up dates can also be manually scheduled from within the inspection record.
Module Level Security
- Granularly apply module level data access privileges across 26 different areas.
- Read-Only
- Clerk Level - add / edit / update their records in granted area
- Super Clerk Level - add / edit / update all records in granted area
- Full Administrative rights - add / edit / update all records in granted area - manage software settings.
- Grant inspectors edit privileges for their inspections only, allowing read only for all other data.
- Grant administrative staff read / write access to all data except accounting.
- Allow read / write access to Location and / or Person Files only, read only for all other data.
Paperless Documents
- Paperless emailing of documents and reports to Permit Applicants, Inspectors and Municipalities.
- If an Email address is on file for a recipient, documents are emailed as attached PDF's.
- Otherwise reports are printed to hard copy, pre-addressed and formatted for a tri-fold stuff to #10
window envelopes.
- Flexible Receipting System handles all revenue such as Extra Fees, even if unrelated to Permit activity.
- Receipting System integrates with your accounting's Chart of Accounts for reporting / reconciliation.
Report System
- Comprehensive reporting supports filtering of data to multiple combinations of
Date Ranges, Jurisidiction, Permit Types, Permit Status, Inspection Types or Inspection Results.
User Defined Templates for Inspection Notice / Violation Documents
- Boiler Plate Templates can be created and stored by Jurisdiction, Permit Type, Ordinance Number, etc.
If there is no associated document template based on the specific inspection, the user is prompted to generate
a new template on the fly.
- New template setup defaults to activate Expiration / Respond By date to a 14 day time period. The
time period can be changed for each notice type, or the date display de-activated altogether.
- If template(s) exist, a selection list is displayed allowing the user to select from existing
templates by Ordinance Number or other criteria.
- Templates can added and edited from within the Parameter System or 'on the fly' from an inspection record's
Boiler Plate pick list selection screen.